
Edgar Bolanos
NY based Artist
Graphic designer

Bred in the Big Apple, Edgar Bolanos is a rising star in the growing art scene of Downtown, New York City. His evolution began using the bare walls of Queens streets, spray cans and markers as his tools of choice, running through alleys and across rooftops, treading the night in an effort to display his talent wherever he could. Since those adrenaline-filled midnight runs, Edgar has swapped his old graf supplies for a brush and palette, creating rebellious and provocative pieces of art using the concentration and technique of master artisans from generations past. A contemporary surrealist, Edgar’s faculty to create beauty in distortion is becoming popular among the young creative minds of Manhattan’s gallery and live painting scene. Whether it be oil on canvas, snapping photos, or transforming mundane pictures into digital masterpieces, Edgar seems to focus and tackle these assignments with ease, pouring his passion and beliefs on to every blank foundation he discovers. With his fire fueled by the seemingly unanswerable questions of life, Edgar Bolanos has an eye for the future and is without a doubt, one powerful mind!



Email – Opiumthoughts@gmail.com

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