The last fashion week i was taking pictures backstage for “hood by air” show and this season i got to do set design for pyer moss. It was fun, a bit stressful but overall a great learning experience. It was a privilege working with such great talented people from the pyer moss team. Here are some images from the backstage preparation leading to the presentation, enjoy!

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One Powerful Mind – Equilibrium Opening Exhibition

My first Exhibition! I am truly grateful for everything and everyone that came out to show love and support for my first opening. I’m glad to have friends that believe in me and my vision. My mom got to see my work for the first time and was amazed. It was pretty awesome to impress her and show her that i want to make her proud. I can’t thank her enough for everything she has taught me, supported me and let me be myself. It’s only the beginning to a long journey of creative work! STAY TUNED.

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Good times with GREAT friends! I enjoyed some drinks at the Gansevoort Park Hotel rooftop with some friends then went to grab some dinner at The Hurricane Club which has the most delicious coconut rice and then surprised a friend with concert tickets to a JUSTICE show @ the Hammerstein Ballroom. Chromeo opened up for justice, we couldn’t have asked for more. We finally went to a hidden rehearsal studio inside of the QUEENS World Fair where i saw a UFO fly by and a picture to prove it! Last but not least Crysto Martyr band performed to put the icing on the cake to a great day! Well i hope you enjoy the pictures and video!!!